[CARE TIPS] Pets in Dubai should not eat table scraps
Feeding your pets in Dubai table scraps is a topic that has mixed reactions with the pet community in Dubai. Some say it's okay to give...
[CARE TIPS] Pet care tips by a popular pet shop in Dubai
A popular Pet shop in Dubai explains that dogs go through a lot of emotional stress, especially during the month of Autumn, when the...
[KNOWLEDGE] What is a Pedigree ?
Posters and advertisements all around shouting out “Buy a puppy in Dubai” may have caught your eyes recently. Having a pet does make your...
[KNOWLEDGE] 7 Ways Dogs can Improve Your Life
Most people can tell you what made them get a dog. Perhaps the family made a conscious decision to adopt a shelter pet… or the youngest...
[SMART PRODUCTS] Dog Training Collars In Dubai
Having a new puppy in the house can be quite an adventure, something you never think about when you buy a puppy in Dubai. This is true in...