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3 Ways to get your claws into buying a puppy

Animals make our world that much more colourful. Could you imagine a world with just humans? It would probably be an extremely boring place. They add vibrancy, depth and meaning to our lives and are a critical part of the ecosystem. There are millions of species on Earth, each with their own history and evolution. Broadly categorising them, they would fall under domestic and wild animals. Animals such as dogs and cats are some of the most popular household pets, and are great companions. Dogs were domesticated thousands of years ago while cats were worshipped as gods in Egyptian times. Both species have been involved with human life over the years, and this still continues today. Now, you can buy dogs from pet shops although views on this are divided. Here are some things you should keep in mind if you want your own little furry friend!

  • THE BREEDER OPTION Aside from pet shops, some prefer to turn to breeders for their pet needs. However, this can be dodgy as some breeders are driven by money and in no way care for the well-being of the dogs. For this reason, you should only go to breeders who are trustworthy and genuinely invest their concerns in the animals under their care. One of the main things you should watch out for whether you are looking for puppies for sale in Dubai or somewhere else, is whether the mother and pups are together. If you are doubtful about anything at all, and are unable to find suitable answers, look elsewhere. There is no need to contribute towards such people

  • PREP YOUR HOME If you planning on introducing an animal into your home, you should prepare to welcome them as another family member. Just as you would prep your home for a baby, in the same way you should also setup whatever you need for your new puppy. A sleeping corner with a basket and chew toys as well as a feeding bowl for both food and water are some of the basics. You should also keep an eye out for where your new friend will make themselves at home, as they too tend to have their own comfort spots.

  • VETS Depending on where or whom you get your dog from, they may or may not be vaccinated. If they are puppies for sale in Dubai from a breeder, they should be able to give you a list of what vaccines have already been given, and what you need to do. Else, you will need to take your puppy to a vet and get a schedule of vaccinations that need to be given. You will then need to commit yourself to taking them regularly for their shots.

Always remember that a pet is more than just that… they are a family member, and should be treated with utmost care and love. If it is possible to adopt, do consider that although each person is different. Make sure you do plenty of research so that you do what is best not only for you, but also for your pet.

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