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The pros and cons of adopting a pet

Dogs are considered pleasing companions by many animal lovers. Even though most dogs are not as emotionally dependent as believed , they still require your time, valued attention, money (taking care of them does cost a bit), and commitment ( a little less than a marriage ). As soon as you enter the pet store in Dubai, you need to ask yourself “am I ready to bring a dog into my home and live with my family?” with good care , the puppy or dog you are considering adopting or purchasing from the pet store will be a great family companion. It has to be a well thought of long term decision and a plan.

Do I really need a pet? Many individuals question themselves if they honestly need a pet. They also bring pets into their homes for many different reasons , sometimes to care for a pet and give them a loving home, to help them overcome grief , or even just a temporary solution while the pet owner is on holiday! Are there pros and cons of adopting a pet? We rounded some of the top reasons.

The advantages of adopting a pet They make good Companions –Pets can still be social animals, and bring love into a family and home. Each development stage can be interesting as they fit into your lifestyle and don’t forget they love to curl up on a cozy lap! Dogs are also extremely protective of their owners and will often be around you for protection.

It improves your Health – adopting a pet can actually be good for you. It lowers your blood pressure, encourages exercise and gives you a new reason to wake up every morning. (Not just to clean the poop. We promise!)

They toilet train easy- by nature, animals tend to train themselves quite early. A few weeks of walking them around the neighborhood and constant supervision will speed up the toilet training process.

The disadvantages of adopting a pet Deciding on a hunch – there are times when you feel pressured to get a puppy and then later find you are unable to look after the pet. This could be particularly unsettling for the puppy or dog as they will be faced with uncertainty or sometimes left on the streets. Always make sure you NEVER act on impulse when adopting a pet.

Children and Family – it is always best not to make your little children a reason to get a puppy or a dog. You should always be the primary caregiver of the pet and refrain from allowing your 6-year-old to be its primary caregiver.

Allergies – some individuals are allergic to dogs, and have found out the wrong way- after adoption. Just make sure you run a small allergy test prior to bringing your puppy or dog home.

Small pets are easier to care for- the perception is that cats or small pets such as birds and fish are far easier to look after than a dog. However, even though caring for them does require a decent amount of commitment, regular veterinary checkups, vaccines, and grooming are essential to ensure your pet is healthy and happy.

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