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Puppy Care Basics: How to Beat the Heat this summer?

With global temperatures at an all time high the summer season has become something to stress and plan over rather than anticipate. We no longer live in those easily going times were weather was merely a dull topic of discussion rather than a pressing health issue for both humans and animals.

The Drastic Climate Changes The prolonged effects of global warming are eventually surfacing, with new temperatures records being established. Making these are particularly worrisome times for the residents of the eastern side of the world including the middle-east and the economic hub, Dubai. While all of us are well aware on how to combat this dreadful heat, it is important for us humans to realize that the adverse climate has just as bad of an effect on our pets as it does on us. Undermining the health of your pets in Dubai can have disastrous outcomes which may cause them to fall seriously ill.

Pet Problems to Lookout for Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion are the health problems that are caused by hot weather. They are basically caused by the dehydration and exhaustion of the body when the internal body temperature rises beyond its set limit - disrupting the entire mechanism and functionality of the body.

Mammals require a fixed body temperature to function under and if the external environment is much too high then this will eventually disrupt the internal framework as well, leading to chemical imbalance and cell damage.

The symptoms that your pet puppy/dog may suffer from due to hot weather are:

  • Vomiting

  • Dizziness

  • Heavy and Erratic Breathing

  • Increased Pulse Rates

  • Obvious Signs of Exhaustion

  • Anxiety

Basic Steps to Beat the Heat this summer

  • Stay Well Informed and Observant Pet owners should keep constant tabs on weather forecasts and mark those days when it is expected to spike higher than usual. These are the days when you have to be extra vigilant and cautious. Limit the exposure of your pup during the day and keep him inside the house or in a shady area. Lookout for any visible signs of distress, and if found hydrate and consult your veterinarian immediately.

  • Introduce a new Summer Diet The food we intake plays an important role in keeping our internal body temperature constant. This is exactly the reason why an ice cream cone on a hot summer day is so refreshing and a hot bowl of soup on a cold wintry night is so soothing. The same applies to your pets. Whatever you feed them will either help cool their body or will further heat it up. So be sure to feed them the right things. Make an effort to incorporate lots of vegetables and fruits in their diet (this will be tough but will have a significant effect on their health). They’ll feel much more fresh and lively rather than stuffy and drowsy. And of course plenty of water and liquids are absolutely essential to keep them well hydrated.

  • Make Efforts to Keep the Cool Apart from distinctive summer guidelines pet owners should simply realize the fact that their pets also struggle in the hot weather and require their attention to make it through it. Treating them with lots of cold water or a dip in the pool will just be just as enjoyable for them as it is for us in the scorching heat. These efforts will inevitable help prevent the agonizing suffering of your pets and will help keep them healthy.

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