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[KNOWLEDGE] What is a Pedigree ?

Posters and advertisements all around shouting out “Buy a puppy in Dubai” may have caught your eyes recently. Having a pet does make your family complete. It helps children too to learn responsibility and care for others. A dog may be an ideal pet for a house. While many pet stores will offer puppies for sale in Dubai, you may be concerned or confused of what they mean by pedigree puppies and how you confirm on their claim.

While many puppies in Dubai may not be pedigree, many pet stores boast that their dogs for sale in Dubai are purebred. But how do you confirm this claim? Ideally the breeder or the pet shop should be able to show you the pedigree of the puppy before you make a commitment. If they say they will produce it after the sale it is best to walk away. So what is this pedigree? Simply consider it as a family tree. It should show back to about four to five generations. It will be a document from left to right starting with a litter or individual dog and moved down to the right column by column for each generation. This will have the names registered for all in the family tree. The titles earned by these dogs will also be displayed in many pedigrees. Additional information may be made available regarding their colors, special honors and ratings.

If the person selling the dog puts away showing you the pedigree or doesn’t know to explain it you need to reconsider. As generally holders of purebred puppies are proud to show the pedigree and can even know it by heart.

So why is it important for you to consider the pedigree of the puppy when looking for a pet? You need to understand that any puppies’ beauty, temperament, health and intelligence is influenced through genes of their ancestors. Also it speaks a lot about the breeder, whether he was a responsible breeder who loved dogs or was producing dogs for money. A good indicator is to check the names of the dogs, as breeders who are serious and responsible will have kennel names. Initials before the names would stand for the titles they have earned, you can ask the breeder to explain the titles, if he or she doesn’t seem to know it is another sign that it could be a forged document.

So yes buying a good dog is not as easy as you think. Stick to the basics and always try to make your purchase from pet shops with a good history in service. A little background study can go a long way.

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