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Discouraging destructive behavior in Dogs

Pets in Dubai can be very destructive, especially if they are left on their own for a long period of time. Here are some useful techniques to help pet dogs curb their destructive behavior.

If you have destructive pets, the first thing that should be done is to find the root cause of such behavior. Does the pet have separation anxiety, does he feel under-stimulated, was there a recent change in routine or environment. All of these can be common triggers of destructive dog behavior. The solution for pet's acting up will depend largely on the circumstances. There are certain owners of Dogs in Dubai who have sought professional help when their pets have developed dangerous or extreme destruction in the home.

  • Exercise - The most common reason for destructive chewing and digging can be cured with a simple walk. If your pet dog is not getting enough exercise during the day, boredom can manifest itself through shredded cushions, carpets, or other destructive behaviors. Try to take your dog out for a 30 minute walk each day, depending on the breed and energy level of the dog.

  • Mental Stimulation - If you find that you cannot take your dog out for regular exercises, then you need to stimulate the pet's brain to reduce boredom. Try daily training sessions, but keep them short, and this should be done at least 2 or 3 times per day. Practice old tricks and try out some new ones as well.

  • Stimulation - If a dog is under-stimulated, mentally or physically, the results could be disastrous. Try using puzzle toys or a treat-stuffed animals while you are away to keep your dog stimulated.

  • Let the dog access proper toys and bones - If you find your dog chewing all the time, and not amused with him chewing up your best furniture, then let the dog have access to plenty of tough dog toys and bones as an alternative to your furniture.

  • Clam them naturally. There is specially designed music to calm your dog while you are away. Some are more effective than others.

  • Supplements - There are certain homeopathic remedies on the market to help curb anxiety. These remedies use natural herbs and supplements, that has a calming effect.

  • Try to change your behavior - Sometimes your actions can be the root cause of anxiety. Avoid making too much of fuss when you leave the house in the morning or when you return, as this fussing can cause additional stress and anxiety for your dog. When you leave the house, just walk out calmly and do the same when you return.

  • Give the dog a good training - German Shepard’s in Dubai benefit greatly from training. And when big dogs are properly trained, they can behave in a proper manner and learn to earn rewards and treats for good behavior at the end of the day. Also crate train your dog, as the crate can become a place of security and comfort.

  • Pet day care - There are many facilities that offer a doggie day care service. Your dog can play with other dogs, receive training, and be stimulated all day. Check with your local Pet Shop in Dubai for some recommendations on pet day dare.

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