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[CARE TIPS] Pet care tips by a popular pet shop in Dubai

A popular Pet shop in Dubai explains that dogs go through a lot of emotional stress, especially during the month of Autumn, when the children return back to school, the temperatures in Dubai are soaring and adults are returning to their busy work schedules. It can easily disgruntle and be stressful for the pet as they will miss you or the child and miss the attention.

In order to keep your pets healthy and happy, here are a few tips that pet dog owners need to follow:

  • Routine - Changes in routine can disrupt pets as well. For instance, they may have to wake up early morning along with the rest of the family or delay their evening walk. The most important thing to remember is to keep the routine that works best with the family's schedule. If your dog needs a walk at night, stick to the routine. Since dogs are animals who love the attention and the comfort, a good routine can do them a world of good

  • Keep them amused - With busy schedules pets, especially, dogs that need a lot of attention, such as Pomeranians Dubai find themselves at home alone without much attention. If their time alone in the home is not structured then they can develop destructive behavior and bad habits, like excessive barking and furniture destruction. Make sure to provide a source of entertainment for your pets when they are left alone and give them plenty of exercise when you are around can make them very happy. Ty not to leave a pet alone, especially if you do buy a puppy in Dubai, make sure to spend lots of time with the puppy before you leave him on his own. You can perhaps come home during the lunch break to see the pup or have a pet sitting company stop by to make sure the pup is behaving as this can be the only difference between a happy pup and a chewed up rug or sofa.

  • Reduce the stress - Pets can pick up on an owners stress leading to shaking, nervous panting, pacing, and even poor stool quality. Therefore, use exercise and play to relieve stress in yourself as well as your pet. Also use calming and soothing essences and techniques around the house.

  • Teach them - Make time in your busy schedule to treat them new tricks and games. This is mentally stimulating for your pet. Keeping them mentally and physically active will give them the rest they need at the end of a tiring day. You can even introduce treat for a job well done or a day spent with good behavior.

  • Focus on the pet's health - Often since the owner is busy they tend to neglect or overlook the pet's health needs as well. Make sure to give them a balanced diet, which is a good foundation for your pet. Feed them the food they like, that is packed with the nutrients they need, rather than contain preservatives, which are harmful to their health.

So the next time you are lured into a pet store with the words "Dogs For Sale Dubai" make sure you really have the time, with all the daily pressures of packing the kids to school and work schedules, be very sure that you have the time to invest in a puppy and build a strong bond and relationship that you can share

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