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Reason's that you may want a pet

Most people have pets in Dubai, for all the wrong reasons. Pets are a great addition to the family, but they require responsibility, care, and time. Some families with children will view, having pets as a nuisance, but this does not stop them from having that spontaneous moment where they feel that they want to buy a puppy in Dubai, and include them in their family.

Here are a few reasons that pet lovers give as to why they want a pet,

  • On an impulse - You may see those adorable puppies in Dubai in the pet store window and think, he is so cute, why not get him. One of the biggest things that individuals don’t think about is the cost of a pet. Maybe it’s another type of pet such as an exotic fish, and many of them have very strict water parameters and need a lot of time and effort. If its a dog, then you need the space and also, areas for them to do their businesses and proper training.

  • Your child or spouse is very interested and it's hard to disappoint them - Children can be very adamant with a pet, once they fall in love with it. Children can be passionate and very convincing to their parents when they like something and so can your spouse. It's hard to say no to a child or a spouse when they feel so strongly about these things.

  • Teaches responsibility – having a pet is something the whole family needs to be ready for, and using a pet to teach a child responsibility doesn’t mean they can actually do it. A parent should always be the one that is ultimately responsible, not expecting a child to take on all the duties that come with a pet.

  • Someone you know is giving away pets - sometimes pet owners get in a fix, and have no other option than to find a new puppy or their pet dog a loving home for their beloved pet or the pet's litter. Wanting to take in a pet to offer help and keep them where they can still see the pet, and be able to responsibly take care of the new pet are two different things. You need to make sure you can afford to keep the pet and have the necessary facilities and the time to do so.

  • As a gift - Make sure to make the necessary plans for a pet. If its a dog, small dogs will be much easier to take, such as Yorkshire Terriers . Make sure to plan the gift in advance with the person receiving it, you must be sure that the person receiving the gift is able to manage the pet. For instance, if its a pet dog, make sure the child is old enough to look after the dog. On the other hand pet fish can be looked after by a small child as it requires minimum care.

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