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5 Traits that Make Dogs the Best Pets Ever!

Throughout the world, dogs are one of the most popular pets and undeniably they have every reason to be. A majority of the population agrees that dogs and puppies make great pets in Dubai as well. They add so much to their owner’s life and consume them, like any other friend or family member would.

Certainly, dogs come with their share of responsibilities but these still seem minute, compared to the endless love and affection they reciprocate in return of them. Owners of pet shops in Dubai proclaim that over the years there has been an increased demand for puppies and dogs and they have become one of the most popular pets for purchase among owners.

So what is it that makes Dogs such wonderful Pets?

  1. Fun and Active: If you thought that keeping a dog was the same as keeping a cat or any other pet, then I’m sure that you’re already ready to take your words back. Every pet has different requirement and when it comes to keeping dogs, then they have the ability to drain every last bit of energy in your body. They are very demanding creature and will entertain you throughout the day, be it by running across the halls in your home or just rubbing their face against yours while watching T.V. You can be guaranteed that you’ll never be bored again!

  2. They Provide Great Company: Sometimes the sensibility and understanding that dogs portray towards their owners can be astounding. It’s like they understand their owners as good as any friend would. Many owners have certified to the fact that they have seen their dogs reflect upon their mood and behaviour. If you’ve come home after a tough day at work, then your little guy will understand that you’re not going to be up for a walk and he too might, mourn depressingly over whatever it is that’s disturbing you.

  3. Loyal and Protectors: An admirable and distinctive trait of dogs is their loyalty. If you give them a home to live in and show love towards them, then they will not only return the favour by giving you 10 times the affection but will also have your back in case of any danger or threat. There have been many incidents when dogs have saved their owners life by attacking thieves and intruders entering their home or by running off to get help.

  4. Keep you Healthy! Instead of getting a new membership at the gym, you should just invest in buying a dog instead. Not only will he be good company but can also prove to be a great work-out buddy. Dog owners have been known, to be significantly fitter after getting their dog then before, because proper dog care requires, taking them out for a walk and entertaining them with a game of fetch every once in a while. In the long run, his games and play might just give you an impressive figure.

  5. Are with you in Sickness and Health: Believe it or not, Patients owning dogs, who have been recovering from serious illnesses like heart attacks, strokes, trauma and mental damage have shown to be healthier and have a quicker recovery than non-dog owner patients. Studies also show that dog owners have better mental and physical health, possibly due to the fact that dogs provide a unique companionship to an owner that removes loneliness and depression from their lives and radiates positive energy instead. The residents of Dubai have also shown a newfound admiration for dogs and puppies, with an increased demand of pet shops and pet stores across the city and the import of puppies of various breeds. The People of Dubai want to incorporate the love that pets bring in their lives as well.


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