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Have you heard a dog in Dubai howl? Do they? Why?

If you’ve never owned a dog, late night howling can be an annoyance that really gets your goat, especially if you’ve got an early start the next morning. If you have owned a dog, a howling dog is reason to get out of bed and make it stop, before your neighbours starting trying to break down your door and send said dog to the pound. Noisy dogs in Dubai are a real menace and as in any densely populated city, every dog must behave in a way that does not cause a hindrance to others and it is every owners responsibility to make sure their pet behaves in a way that conforms to social norms. So if you’ve got a problem dog that howls all night, then this article is going to tell you how to make it stop.

First lets start with the basics

What is howling? Howling is a part of the vocal range of any dogs. The behavior has carried down from the dog’s wolf ancestors, and is characterized by long, often mournful sounds, of which the timbre can vary, depending on the size of the dog and the structure of its skull.

What does it mean? In a traditional sense, howling is supposed to be location technique. It is used by wolves to locate other members of its own pack and also to suss out what rival packs are frequenting the area. Each canid has a distinct and recognizable tone to its voice, just like with us humans and with their superior sense of hearing, wolves can easily identify which wolf it is even from a great distance.

Domestics dogs do sometimes use howling in the way that it was originally intended, but in most cases a howling dog is one that is displaying atypical behavior.

Now that we have got a good understanding as to what howling is and where it originated, we can take a deeper look at why your dog is keeping you up at night. There can be several possible reasons but the most common one is a lack of exercise. Dogs howl when they have been kept in enclosed spaces for too long and do not get the right amount of exercise that they require to expend their excess energy. A dog typically needs about 45 min of rigorous exercise every day and without this, dogs will begin to display unruly behavior. A tired child is a good child, and it is just like that with dogs.

Another reason that dogs howl is because they are lonely, which is why it is most often seen in households that have only one dog. If a dog has been left alone for too long it will howl and it may be even howling to see if it can ‘locate’ you if you are within hearing distance. The best way to stop this is to simply spend more time with your pet and don’t expect it to be happy alone for most of the day.

Finally, if your dog in Dubai is howling, there is possibility that you may have created the problem. Dogs learn through a process of reinforcement, so if every time your dog howls, you go running and pet it and tell it not to be sad, the dog begins to think that every time he howls, you are going to give it affection. If your dog is properly exercised and has lots of time with the family and is still howling, ignore it or correct it. Don’t fuss over the dog as this will only make things worse.

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