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Your pet's first aid kit

As pet owners and Dog Breeders in Dubai, it's our responsibility to keep pets safe and happy, and whether there is a serious health concern or a minor one, it's important that pet owners are ready and adequately prepared. One of the best ways to stay prepared to provide pets with proper care is to have an all equipped first aid kit. A first aid kit should be specialized according to each pet, and should contain a wide variety of products to address a wide range of health concerns.

Despite the diverse nature of possible afflictions that may affect a pet,there are certain 'basic necessities' that should be included in each first aid kit intended for pets. Today, there are pre-prepared first aid kits available for purchase at the local Pet Shop Dubai that will cover every pet owners' needs and prepare yourself. To help ensure that you're ready to care for your pet in the event of an unforeseen accident or injury, here is a guide to help you assemble a kit to keep your pets healthy.

Pet first aid supplies are often the same as what a human would include in their first aid kit. These supplies are those that are useful for cleaning and bandaging wounds, cuts and for ensuring that the pet is comfortable and safe. The recommended basic materials to include in a pet's first kit are as follows:

  • Ice pack

  • Disposable gloves

  • Rectal thermometer

  • Petroleum jelly

  • Rubbing alcohol (for taking temperatures, for lubricating the thermometer, and for cleaning)

  • Sterile saline solution

  • Tweezers

  • Foil emergency blanket

  • Flashlight

  • Eye dropper or syringe

  • Towels

  • Splints

Make sure you know how to use the materials included in the first aid kit. Other than knowing how to properly bandage different types of wound, it's good to know how to take your pet's temperature. It's also important to know that the hydrogen peroxide should only be used only under the direction of a veterinarian, on Dogs in Dubai and with extreme caution.

Apart from the basic supplies that is used to care for any patient, there are certain supplies that a pet will need that does not typically appear in a human's first aid kit. These specific supplies need to be set aside for a pet's first aid kit and are often available at your local Pet Store in Dubai. These items include,

  • Styptic powder

  • Nail clippers

  • A pet carrier

  • Pillow with a case

  • A blanket

  • Emergency hotline numbers

  • Muzzle

  • Medical records and paperwork

  • Prescription medications, if applicable

  • Glucose or insulin for diabetic pets

If you not sure if you have everything covered, make sure to check with the veterinarian if there is anything special that your pet might require in their first aid kit in addition to the materials listed above. Once you have all the supplies, make sure to store your pet's first aid kit in a strategic location, so that it's within reach in an emergency.

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