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Do you need to pet proof your house for your puppy in Dubai

The day has finally arrived: Your new puppy in Dubai is coming home! After a long search, you found the right puppy for you and your family from all the puppies for sale in Dubai— and now the preparation begins.

As a pet lover, you will need to provide a safe environment for this little puppy. Preparing your home and yard for the new family member is similar to doing so for a curious toddler — you want to eliminate any and all dangers. Your pup will want to investigate every electrical cord, every closet, and every rut in the yard, and he won’t distinguish between your favorite pair of shoes and his chew toy. It’s up to you to make sure your dog (and your stuff!) will be safe from those puppy temptations.

The kitchen contains all sorts of interesting drawers, cabinets, and cords, not to mention smells and tastes. Childproof latch the cabinets and drawers to prevent curious pups from investigating, while keeping potentially dangerous foods and cleaning supplies out of reach.

Power cords look like fun chew toys to a teething puppy. Tucking them out of reach, blocking them, or enclosing them in a chew-proof PVC tube will divert your dog’s attention.

The bathroom can be a dangerous place for puppies in Dubai. Razors, pills, cotton swabs, and soap left within your dog’s reach can be easily ingested — which can mean an emergency visit to your veterinarian. Put shampoos, soap, tissues, and accessories out of reach or inside a cabinet or drawer.

Especially while your pup is young, keep the toilet lid down at all times, or keep the bathroom door closed.

Many dogs like to den under the bed or wedge themselves behind furniture, so put up temporary blockades to prevent your puppy from hiding where she shouldn’t. Stay vigilant about straightening up and putting away clutter, especially in those areas where you and your family spend the most time. Put loose items away, stow pillows and blankets in decorative bins, and keep cords and wires out of puppy’s reach.

Your puppy may be drawn by all sorts of temptations in your office: papers, magazines, cords, wires, paperclips, rubber bands, and staples. These items may be fun to play with, but they can be fatal if chewed or swallowed. As with the rest of the house, pick up strewn office supplies, secure or enclose cords and wires, and keep decorative items well out of your pup’s reach.

Paint, cleaners, insecticides, rat and rodent poison, snail poison, fertilizers, antifreeze, and gasoline represent a handful of poisons and chemicals that you may have in your garage or outdoor shed. Secure all bottles, boxes, and containers of these substances inside a locked cabinet, or store them on high shelves that your pup can’t reach.

By taking some time to puppy-proof your house (and keep it puppy-proofed!), you’ll give your new pet a good start with his new family. As he gets older, passes through his developmental phases, and learns basic obedience and manners, you won’t need to be so vigilant with your pick-up routine. Until then, however, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

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