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Canine Atopic Dermatitis treatment

Allergies are just as common with Pets in Dubai as they are in people, and can cause your four legged furry friend a lot of discomfort and quite a bit of suffering. Canine atopic dermatitis is a type of allergy that is often caused by airborne allergens, with symptoms mostly showing up on the pet’s skin. It is one of the most important skin conditions and you need to take your pet to the vet, if you feel that the pet is suffering from it.

Here is a look at proper diagnosis and treatment of this allergy in pets.

What is canine atopic dermatitis?

Canine atopic dermatitis is a common skin condition in the pet's where they develop excessive IgE antibodies in response to exposure to various allergens such as dust mites or pollen that are inhaled or absorbed by the pet through its skin. This common skin allergy is second only to flea allergy dermatitis in frequency, and it affects about 10% of dogs. Most dogs begin to show the allergic sign of this disease between one and three years of age. Owing to the hereditary nature of this disease, several dog breeds, including Beagles in Dubai, golden retrievers, Lhasa apsos, bulldogs, Dalmatians, Old English sheepdogs and Yorkshire Terriers in Dubai are most commonly susceptible, as well as dogs of mixed breed can experience atopic dermatitis as well.

Pets with atopic dermatitis will lick, rub, bite, chew, or scratch at their muzzle, feet, ears, groin or armpits, causing hair loss, and thickening and reddening of the skin. Over a period of time, the scratched skin can develop hot spots which are raw, inflamed areas that may become infected. Once a dog develops this condition, they tend to suffer each time, as the skin becomes more sensitive over time. These problems include allergens in food, airborne allergens, allergens from parasites, as well as yeast or bacterial infections of the skin. Eliminating these problems may cause the pet's itchiness and rash to heal. Also, it is important to deal with other problems that could be making your pet itch while dealing with this allergy.

How is canine atopic dermatitis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of the canine atopic dermatitis is based on the results of intra-dermal testing and in-vitro testing of the suspected dog’s blood.

Treatment for canine atopic dermatitis includes:

  • Avoiding the allergens: This treatment method is helpful for allergies caused by house dust mites. Various pollen exposures can be minimized by using air filters and air-conditioning. Avoid taking the pet outside, early in the morning and late afternoon. If the dog has been outside, wipe down with moist cloths and frequent bathing can also help in avoiding allergens.

  • Antihistamines: This medication for canine atopic dermatitis works in 20% of atopic pets and your pet can take antihistamine medication for a long period. The main side effect of this medication is drowsiness. Your local Pet Store in Dubai could recommend one for your pet.

  • Types of Steroids: Oral steroids have many potential side effects, therefore, these are reserved for only big adult dogs, those with short, seasonal problems, or where other medications and therapies are not effective. These should be given based on your vet's instructions.

  • Medication such as Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus ointment can be used in low doses.

  • Bathing: When bathing, since the skin will be sensitive, use a specially designed hypoallergenic shampoo

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