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Tips on introducing a pet to a new baby

Dog Breeders in Dubai say that pets can be introduced to newborns easily than anticipated by the family. Some families really go the extra mile to bring something home from the hospital with the baby’s scent, but there are other ways to help prepare your pet for their new little baby.


  • Baby stuff - Babies come with plenty of stuff, so there is always prior preparation involved before the delivery of the baby. Slowly bring things out so that the pet can handle this gradual transition process. Set up the baby crib on one day and then the decor a few days later. Taking things slow will help your pet get used to the things and let the dog smell and explore them, as then when the baby comes home, the pet will be already used to having the same things around the house.

  • Ask friends to help - Ask your friends with babies to come over, so that your Golden Retrievers in Dubai can get used to being around a baby. You can then see how the dog reacts to the crying and all the little things that come with a newborn. Some dogs are naturally used to children, as they are exposed to children within the extended family at gathering and holidays.

  • Set the limits - Let the pet know what is okay and what is not. For instance, if the dog will not be allowed into the nursery when the baby comes, it's best to keep him out of the nursery before that. Also, you may want to be careful with Pomeranians in Dubai, who love to jump up and down, bark loud and sometimes be disruptive. Make sure to teach him to stay in his space at the initial stages as when the baby comes, it will confuse the dog and the dog could end up resenting you or the newborn.

  • Talk to the pet and tell them - Owner of a Pet Shop in Dubai says that dogs can tell when you are pregnant, this may sound really funny to a non pet owner, but it's true, so treat your dog like your best friend and talk to the dog about the baby. Dogs understand and can help them prepare for what to expect.

  • Stock up treats and toys - Weeks before the newborn is brought home, stock up on your pets favorite treats and toys, so that they can reward him for good behavior or needs a little distraction from all the attention the newborn will be getting. If you are worried about over treating or your dog in terms of their diet, toys can also be used to keep your pup occupied.

  • Pet sitter - Make sure to have someone who can mind the pet when there is a need. For instance, since childbirth is unpredictable and as you can go into labor at any time and be in the hospital for an undetermined amount of time, make sure someone is on call to mind the pet until you get back home.

  • Keep calm - The dog can read your emotions so don't panic or become nervous. Take it easy on the dog as this is a huge adjustment for them as well. Make the introductions brief on the first day between dog and baby. There will be plenty of time for lengthy introductions later.

Always keep an eye on the pet and baby, and encourage them to spend time and in no time they will become best friends.

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