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[CARE TIPS] Methods of training your Dogs in Dubai


If you own Dogs in Dubai, it is important for you to give your pet proper training, especially about behaving in public places, as most places are banned or not dog friendly in Dubai. Training your pet dog, be it a pug, bull mastiff, Siberian husky or Golden Retrievers in Dubai, it creates a strong bond between pet and master. Your dog must know how to behave in different situations and in different places. A well trained canine will be a harmless pet and a good companion.It is also easier to have a well trained pet around, especially if you have kids. In order to make sure your dog is well trained its best to work with a specialized academy to train your dog.

Dog training academy's use various dog training techniques and methods. The first step in training a dog is behavior training. Your dog, whether it is big or small, it will learn to get along and behave with people and other dogs as well. The training also involves house training. The dog learns how to behave with you in your home, instead of destroying it like some of them do.

Once your dog has completed the behavior training, then comes obedience training. This is particularly important in big dogs, such as German Shepard’s in Dubai. With this training the dog will learn how to respond when called. The dog will respond to his name, tone of voice or to a command. The dog is also taught to respond to certain hand gestures. The owner of the dog must be present while the training is carried out, since the dog has to respond to the owner at the end of it. Therefore, as the owner, you need to know which hand gestures or tone of voice your pet understands. The commands should be precise and clear to the pet so that he learns to behave and respond accordingly.

Thereafter, there is also activity training. In this type of training the dog learns to perform certain tasks on the command given to it. Some of the tasks include, guiding, searching, hunting and rescuing. They will also learn to jump and cross a hurdle. The pet will need to learn one task completely before moving on to the next and your pet will enjoy these sort of activities.

As the owner, you need to be patient about your pet's training process, and this varies for different breeds of dogs. Some pet dogs learn easily while for some it is harder to train. Another important part of training is clicker training. In this type of training the dog is given some eatables when he performs a task by hearing a clicker sound. If a particular task is not performed the pet should be punished, but avoid vigorous punishment or shouting and yelling at the dog, as this will only scare the dog. A pet's training should be consistent. If your pet is punished once, but ignored another time, the dog will get confused the next time the particular command is given. This sort of discipline should especially meted out to Puppies in Dubai, who should be taught what is acceptable and what not, at home and in public. Training sessions should be kept short so that the pet learns to behave under one command efficiently before moving on to the next command.

Praise should be given to the dog throughout the training process. Once your pet completes the training process, your pet will become a better companion for you and others as well.

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