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[CARE TIPS] Reasons why Puppies in Dubai Itch

Most often owners of puppies in Dubai think, that the first time they're puppies start scratching they have fleas or some sort of disease or conditions that affect puppies. Well, all puppies do itch, it's a common phenomenon. Sometime they itch around the collar, maybe they are getting used to the new collar, or maybe their own skin, they are also like toddlers, exploring their new environment.

Here is a look at some of the common things that make puppies itch:

  • Fleas – This is what pet owners worry about the most. Looking for those little black-brown bugs, maybe the size of a pinhead, jumping around on the dog. Fleas like to call the base of the tail or on the belly where it’s dark home, and leave behind flea dirt, which is really flea poop consisting of digested blood. If you have superhuman eyesight, it may look like little black curlicues, but for a normal person it's simply resembles and looks like dirt. Flea dirt will turn rust-red when wet, so look at the water when you bathe the pup, if it turns red, the dog probably has fleas. The good news is that fleas can be removed using a flea powder that you can buy at your local pet store in Dubai.

  • Mange – There are two types of mange that affect dogs, they are Sarcoptic and Demodectic. Sarcoptic is contagious to animals as well as humans and the itching is unbearable. Demodex is less itchy and is not contagious at all. Most pups ere born with a predisposition for the mites to multiply in their skin. Most often Pomeranians in Dubai are susceptible to manage, especially Sarcoptic and since they have long fur, it is often in an aggressive stage when you find about about it. The best is to take your dog to the vet who will prescribe a course of injections or antibiotics depending on now severe it is.

  • Ear Mites – These are small bugs that live in the dogs ears and wiggling around. However, not all itchy ears have mites. Ear mites are contagious. You need to take your dog to the vet immediately to diagnose ear mites, sometime it could even be a yeast or bacterial infection.

  • Dry Skin – Dry skin is caused due to nutrition as well as the environment. It's very common to see mild, flaky skin in a puppy. However, once you notice this condition at the onset its best to make sure to take it to the vet and have it examined to make sure it's not an infection. It could also be lice (not the type that humans have), or Cheyletiella, which are small bugs that can hide in the fur, cause, or look like dandruff.

  • Puppy Pyoderma – This is like tiny pimples on the skin, usually in the groin area. They are very common and can be seen when you buy a puppy in Dubai. It does not need much attention unless they multiply. These go away on their own as the pup's immune system develops. The best option is to have the vet check your dog out for any serious infections or conditions.

This is not a complete list of, but it does cover all the common and important types of itching.

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